Nature is a combination of diversified elements as it gathers and grows all the living and non-living elements in tandem. Ayurveda and its 5000 years old grasp on different medications and advocating an enhanced way of living have evolved over the period.
Vitiligo/Leucoderma is basically a skin disease occurred due to the imbalance in the immune system of our body. It is basically a pigment disorder related to autoimmunity. As Ayurveda relies on improving immunity, Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo is done by the way of an optimized combination of herbs.
Addressing the advantage of Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo, a grasp on the disease and its core is rather a comforting ideology to make the process efficient. Simply, Vitiligo is a failure of our immune system, which in turn initiates attacks on our cells, due to the inability to identify it.
The results can be more severe as it takes more tenure and it is necessary to carry out medication at the earliest. If the disease continues to progress, the affected areas become severe and incurable. The inner region of the mouth, hair, and nose is likely to get affected easily and the causes can be of hereditary, an infection, high stress, neural/viral causes, chemical reactions, or sun burn.
The major types of Vitiligo are categorized into two,
Segmental Vitiligo and Non-segmental Vitiligo. In a narrow perspective, segmental Vitiligo is limited to a certain area in spreading, whereas Non-segmental can be more severe and covers a larger area.
Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo is often found 100% successful and Vitiligo is permanently curable in Ayurveda and it is vital to diagnose the disease in its early stages. Whitening the eyelashes, hair losses, depletion in the retina are some of the symptoms of Vitiligo. Patients suffering from depression and high stress are more prone to getting affected.
Not only in Ayurveda but also in every medical science, diseases treatment becomes easily in early stages, so treating the disease in the as soon as you see the initial symptoms is very important.
In Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo, Diagnosing the disease in its early stages and providing the exact combination of herbs after considering the patients’ history, Vitiligo is permanently curable with no side effects. Aswagandha, Bakuchi, Tulsi, Haridra, Guduchi, Apamarg, and Nimba are the vital herbs used in treating Vitiligo. Based on the condition a qualified expert doctor may decide which can bring the best cure for an individual. The treatment focuses on building a healthy and balanced immune system and bringing equilibrium by way of following a strict and healthy diet.
Since the re-pigmentation process is a continuous process in order to revive the natural colors, the treatment includes dietary (Aahar) and Lifestyle (Vihar) changes. Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo includes three prominent therapies Virechana, Basti Therapy, and Vamana. These three procedures are usually intended to expel the vitiated Doshas from the Body.
Virechana, also known as purgative therapy focuses on eliminating the toxicity in your body. Purifying the primary location of Vata is the main functionality of Vata therapy. Vamana therapy is considered as most effective, as it is primarily focused on both pitta and Kapha.
The effective implementation of Ayurveda therapies is the phase stage of initiating an ultimate answer to Vitiligo. To ensure a permanent cure, the process requires continuous and uninterrupted dietary control and taking certain preventive measures such as protection from UV lights, minimal use of Non- compatible foods, and avoiding salty and spicy food items.