Natural remedies for constipation

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Natural remedies for constipation

 Natural remedies for constipation
Natural remedies for constipation

Constipation is trouble in passing stool. Chronic constipation is defined as when constipation continues for few weeks without any relief. Mostly people suffering from constipation encounters only mild version which can be treated by Natural remedies for constipation. On the other hand chronic constipation often results in severe symptoms which require professional medical help.

Common symptoms of constipation

  • An individual having less three bowel movements in a week.
  • Passing of very hard stool
  • Blockage sensation in the rectum
  • Constant feeling to use bathroom but can’t clear your stomach.

Frequently and most effective natural remedies for constipation

  • Drink enough of water: For the most of people, a lack of water is the chief reason of constipation. This is one of the most uncomplicated methods for avoiding constipation. Aim to consume 4 lit of water per day. According to several researches, sparkling water is better than regular water from the tap for relieving constipation.
  • Eat a lot of complex carbohydrates: The easiest way to get rid of constipation is to eat a lot of fiber. It has been reported that eating insoluble fibre improves stool bulk and consistency. As a result, it will be easily digestible and pass stools. Fruits and veggies are evidence of all this.
  • Anjeer: Figs are another name for it. When dunked in lukewarm water, they might provide rapid relief from constipation. It is suggested to be included in your regular diet because of its high fiber content, which helps with constipation.
  • Ghee and milk: Ghee and milk have a wide range of health benefits and are suggested in the treatment of constipation. Before bedtime, a tablespoon of ghee mixed with warm milk is recommended.
  •  Lemon water: Lemons are high in vitamin C (citric acid), which is believed to support the digestive system and aid in normal meal digestion. Lemon should be consumed with warm water first thing in the morning. Having lemon tea is also an excellent approach to do so.
  • Eat foods that are high in probiotics: Probiotics have been shown to help with persistent constipation. Lactobacillus is an example of a live biological entity (bacteria) that is naturally present in the gut. According to a 2019 study, people who take probiotics for two weeks can gain relief from persistent constipation and have more frequent bowel movements. Probiotics can also be included in one’s diet; according to some research, supplements take about four weeks to demonstrate an effect.
  • Eat prunes: Clinicians frequently recommend prunes and their juice to aid with constipation. It is one of the most widely used natural remedies for constipation in humans. Prunes contain a significant amount of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol with excellent laxative qualities.
  • Triphala -It is a natural compound formed up of belleric and black myrobalan, as well as Indian gooseberry. Triphala is a well-known laxative in addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used internally in small doses to help in weight loss. 
  • Dalia is regarded as a super food due to its high content of vegetable source of vitamins and minerals that aid in constipation relief. It’s also high in magnesium, which is said to be a highly effective laxative.
  • Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds’ oily composition aids in the hydration and moisturization of the intestines. It is extremely beneficial for those who have difficulty passing firm stool. It can be used in salads on a regular basis.
  • Mulethi: Among the most beneficial ayurvedic foods for improving digestion is mulethi. Take a teaspoonful of powdered licorice root and mix it with a teaspoon of jaggery. You can now simply consume it with a cup of hot water. It is commonly believed to be one of the greatest herbs for constipation since it promotes intestinal motion.

Note: Before starting to consume it on a regular basis, consult an ayurvedic professional. 

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