Sinusitis, also referred to as Rhinosinusitis or nasal congestion, is an infection of the sinuses that leads to signs and symptoms such as facial discomfort, blocked nose, headache, and fever. In rare cases, the infection may spread to the brain, which may lead to abscesses, meningitis, and various other potentially fatal problems.
Blocks in the nose are typically seen in individuals who have nasal allergic reactions or colds. When germs like microorganisms or fungus get entrapped and filled with fluid within the sinuses, they can cause inflammation.
Sinus treatment in Ayurveda can be correlated with Peenasa Chikithsa. Peenasa can also cause symptoms in people of every age and in both sex. Disorders that lead to nasal clog are common cold, allergic rhinitis (nose swelling), nasal polyps (tiny growths in the lining of the nose) or perhaps a deviated septum (a shift in the nasal cavity.
In Ayurveda, acute sinusitis problems is because of the intensified Kapha as well as Vata in the area over the clavicle (collar bone). Sinus treatment in Ayurveda includes Ayurvedic Panchakarma Chikitsa (such as Nasya, Shirodhara, Gandusha, Dhumapana), external treatments (like Neti Chikitsa), internal medications, diet plan and way of life alterations.
All these procedures call for special instructions as well as advice from your Ayurvedic specialist.
Sinus treatment in Ayurveda includes use of herbal medications like Haridra, Chitraka, Dashamoola, etc offers excellent results in managing Sinusitis
Sinusitis affects a multitude of individuals, necessitates the use of thousands of millions of courses of antibiotics yearly, and also is the fifth most typical medical diagnosis for which antibiotics are taken.
In extremely unusual scenarios, the patient might experience small personality changes, headaches, altered consciousness, and visual difficulties before experiencing seizures, coma, or death. For this reason, it is always suggested not to treat the condition without proper clinical advice.
Also considering Ayurveda as a natural science and as a natural home remedy, it ought to be ensured that proper medical diagnosis is made with the required conceptual examinations as well as treatments. Make sure you take care of yourself with the needed care from your specialist to stay clear from any kind of complications.
You can also get an expert opinion from qualified Ayurvedic doctors through online Ayurvedic consultation offered by different companies in India like CareAyu that can help you understand your condition better and provide necessary advises.