A brief introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicine for fever
Ayurvedic medicine for fever – An Overview
January 5, 2022

The science of life, Ayurveda, an eternal form of tradition deeply attached to Indian culture. Why is it called an eternal tradition? It is called that because nobody knows when it was there.


Ayurveda, one of the prominent branches of Vedas, is regarded as unpaved of Atharvaveda. But in a way of speaking, it is a stream of knowledge transferred from generation to generation.

Ayurveda is a holistic form of medical literature that has been active before Brahma and the origins can be found in ancient Indian cultures. Ayurveda takes a deep view and carries different perspectives in analyzing the human body and mind. The principle and philosophy of Ayurveda view humans as a complex creation and thoroughly studies the evolving nature of humans over a period in harmony with location, genetic nature and strength of the body and mind along with time .

The principles lie in universal laws and the changing nature of creatures. The Science of Life emphasizes the periodical changes and seeks knowledge through the comprehensive inclusion of medical terms with a deep understanding of the unseen intelligence of the universe.

The term Ayu in Ayurveda means life and it speaks about the four intelligent parts. The Soul, the Mind, the Senses, and the Human Body. The idea of Ayurveda draws attention at a holistic level with external factors like human relationships, friends, family. The ideology states that human health is not just a state of the body. The seasons, the earth, moon, other planets as well as orbiting relationships, everything is connected with our body and mind.

Certain features that distinguish the concept of Ayurveda from other medical branches.

The basic principles of Ayurveda consist of The Trigunas, The Panchamahabhutas, The Tridoshas, The Sapta Dhatus, The Tridosagni, and The Trimalas.

The Trigunas draw attention to the three fundamental energies Viz Satva, Rajas, and Tamas. Its focus on the mind and making sure in maintaining the equilibrium of the human mind. The Trigunas distinguish humans based on their Manasa (Psychological) and Prakriti(Constitution).

According to the ideology of Ayurveda, everything lies in the complex universe and is composed of the elements of Panchamahabhutas- Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The five elements lie in the universe in an infinite form and uniquely proportioned manner to every creature. As we discussed earlier, every element is subjected to evolution in a constant and recurring manner and everything is interrelated.

Tridosas describes the three fundamental universal energies which regulate all the natural processes of micro and macro nature. The medical stream of Ayurveda recognizes all sources of knowledge from one absolute point, the Origin; Paramatma. It focuses on treating to regain the balance of life energies rather than focusing on individual symptoms. 

Every human being has a unique proportion of biological principles (Doshas)- Vata, Pitta, Kapha representing the individual genetic code which plays a crucial role in the formation of mental and physical characteristics. During the course of life, the dosha proportions change from it orbits and evolves by certain internal and external factors. The physic, consciousness, emotions, thoughts, relationships, diet, daily rhythm, lifestyle, micro and macro environment, all influences the balance or imbalance of dosas.

The Sapta Dhatus, in English, speaks about the nourishment of seven body tissues that sequentially take place.

The seven tissues act as the supports of the human body and provide for the growth of the body as well as the mind. The seven tissues consist of The Rasa (Fluid), Rakta (Blood), Mamsa (Muscle), Meda (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majja (Bone marrows), and Shukra, the reproductive tissue.

The Dhatus are interrelated and form in chronological order. Carries a crucial role in maintaining mental and physical equilibrium.

The Trimalas are the three primary Malas or waste of foods and the dhatus produced in a normal course of the digestive and metabolic process. The Malas are Faeces, Urine, and Sweat. For a balanced health condition, a proper combination of Dosas, Dhatus, and Malas is essential.

The Trayodasa Agni, The biological fire reduces the degree of complexity in metabolism and Agni encompasses all the deviations in the body and mind into a subtle form. The digestion and absorption of food balance the chemical reactions, sensory reflections on mental and emotional experiences. In a way, Agni covers a whole sequence of chemical reactions and changes in the changes in body and mind.

In short, the ideology of Ayurveda carries an entirely different approach in addressing major challenges in the health sector and enlightening the unseen exciting factors in the human body and mind to contribute to the future.

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